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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Essay on The Real Ken and Barbie - 757 Words

In the play, A Doll House, written by Henrik Ibsen, the plot and themes all suggest that the title implies a metaphor rather than an imaginary toy. The benefits of the reader is an example of how a lovely young woman can go from this flawless, Betty Crocker made life, to having everything turned upside down, not having any resemblance to prior situations. This play models more of a real life situation, not a pre ordained Cinderella fairy tale, and throughout the sequence, the main character, Nora, gets deeper and deeper into trials of tribulation. The meat and potatoes of this play revolves around a small amount, say 4800 crowns, that our damsel borrowed from an awfully suspicious humanitarian who is more than willing to†¦show more content†¦When a childhood friend drops by out of the blue, Nora can only provide a smidge of sympathy as she so valiantly describes how her life has been over these many years. Poor Ms. Linde widowed and without, comes to Nora in hopes of securing employment and residence. With a thin veil of, I could care less, Nora eases Ms. Lindes mind by suggesting shell talk Torvald into fitting her in down at the bank. After going through the spiel about how Nora dreams of, ...rich old gentlemen fallen in love... continued with, ...upon opening his will there in big letters All my fortune shall be paid over in cash, immediately to the enchanting Mrs. Nora Helmer.. (222), Mrs. Linde still is there listening to her line, and is more than glad to mend some clothes for her. Nora is not the most bala nced friend. The stench of scandal is thick in the Helmer household. Upon the introduction of the family friend Dr. Rank, both Torvald and Dr. Rank excuse themselves to take care of some personal issues. Enter Mr. Krogstad, our well intentioned, cut throat. Mr. Krogstad pleas with Nora to have his new boss, Torvald, down at the bank restore his position. Wondering how she can oblige our fun loving loan shark, Nora refuses, claiming she cant sway Torvalds business decision. Then out comes this mysterious document baring Noras signature. Mr.Show MoreRelatedHippie Barbie1064 Words   |  5 PagesHippie Barbie, written by Denise Duhamel uses the symbols of the contemporary life of the fairy-tale lifestyle into reality. The words and ideas used in this narrative poem give fantasy a different perspective. It is inferred that the speaker is a female Barbie specialist, who reflects her knowledge by using the popular Barbie doll as the main character. Throughout the poem, she gives key points that have female perspective; for instance, kissing Ken, thinking about having mixed-race children, andRead MoreEmily Prager s The Barbie Doll1271 Words   |  6 PagesNearly every American adolescent girl has owned a barbie doll. Girls love dressing their dolls and imagining their lives in the neon pink and vibrant turquoise plastic condos and shopping plazas. 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